
Additional articles are published periodically in my Blog, "Stories from a cluttered desk."
and my former "Tuck/Dartmouth Fellowship" Blog.
Also see my YouTube Channel for video clips.
For updates, follow my Twitter posts at @ehapp.

Current book projects:
“Letters to a Young Manager,” providing insights into the issues typically faced by new managers.
"We Are Better Together", a memoir and reflections on collaboration begun at the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio

2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020
2021 | 2022

"Crisis Informatics - an Intro," a presentation to the ANIA Great Lakes Chapter Education Series, April 26, 2023:

Crisis Informatics - An Intro - ANIA FINALc.pptxCrisis Informatics - An Intro - ANIA FINALc.pptx

For this presentation, I created a new back-of-the-envelope mindmap of the multi-disciplinary components of information from a crisis event through crisis response (see slide 10 above) plus the hand-drawn original below:

Crisis Informatics Mindmap.docxCrisis Informatics Mindmap.docx

"Opportunities & Risks of Technology in NGOs," a presentation to the ESC Professional Development group, October 26, 2022:

Opportunities & Risks of Technology in NGOs - FINAL.pptxOpportunities & Risks of Technology in NGOs - FINAL.pptx


"On NetHope's 20th Anniversary - Looking Back," Nov. 9, 2021, https://youtu.be/UC37OROHWNQ?feature=shared

"Crisis Informatics - An Excerpt," a two-part lecture at Eastern Michigan University, June 8, 2021 and June 28, 2021. Part 1:
      1. History Of IT In Crisis Response And Major Cases (911, Indonesian Tsunami, Haiti, Tacloban, Syria)
      2. A Framework For Understanding The Application Of Technology And Data To Crises
Part 2:
      3. Crisis And Cultural Context
      4. COVID, Crisis Informatics and IT

Crisis Informatics - An Excerpt_part 1 FINAL.pptxCrisis Informatics - An Excerpt_part 1 FINAL.pptx Crisis Informatics - An Excerpt_part 2 FINAL.pptxCrisis Informatics - An Excerpt_part 2 FINAL.pptx

Relaunch of the Data4Good center website, March 2021, here: https://www.data4good.center/ . Related research is posted on the site, including Chetah, a new NGO-domain search engine.

“COVID Vaccine Forecast,” a model developed with my Data4Good student team to forecast herd immunity in the US, January 2021, here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/129E9WPXMlQECQUk33m4J-lRc7X_1dzSzMWxDjM46qV4/edit?usp=sharing . This is a work in progress, expanding the analysis to the countries of the world and to the corresponding UM student population.


“Michigan Broadband Initiative,” a presentation to Michigan’s Economic Development Corp. (MEDC), December 9, 2020. This proposal was done in partnership with the UM Taubman College, Michigan Engaging Community through the Classroom (MECC).

Available on request.

“Strategy, Consulting and NetHope,” a guest presentation to SI-345, “Consulting for Information Professionals,” October 15, 2020. This presentation was also shared with the new senior management team at NetHope as part of their strategy work which I am advising.

Ed-Happ-NetHope-F2020 v2.pptxEd-Happ-NetHope-F2020 v2.pptx

co-author with Hal Berghel, Robert N. Charette and John Leslie King, "It’s On: COVID-19, Risk Ecology, and Preparedness Tips," Aftershock, IEEE, Summer 2020, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9130422

co-author with M. Nebeling et al., "MRAT: The Mixed Reality Analytics Toolkit," ACM, CHI Proceedings, April 2020, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3313831.3376330

“Persisting Until Success is Achieved,” an interview chapter in Margareta Barchan & Jeanne Rice, Brave Leaders: Finding The Guts To Make Meaningful & Lasting Change, Advantage, 2020, https://www.amazon.com/Brave-Leaders-Finding-Meaningful-Lasting/dp/1642251348/

"COVID, Crisis Informatics and IT," a presentation to The Institute for Innovation in Large Organizations (ILO), March 19, 2020.

COVID, Crisis Informatics and IT FINALb.pptxCOVID, Crisis Informatics and IT FINALb.pptx

co-author with John King, et al. of "Final Report on Consulting Preparation, The University of Michigan School of Information, Especially Regarding SI 345, Consulting for Information Professionals," Dec. 29, 2019.

Available on request.


"Lessons from Disaster Response," LinkedIn, December. 4, 2019, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lessons-from-disaster-response-edward-g-happ/


"Strategy, Consulting and NetHope," Guest Lecture for UMSI SI-345, October 31, 2019. (Caution, a 12.7 mb file). An annotated audio of this presentation is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WOODraz0H4

SI-345 Oct. 31 - Strategy, Consulting and NetHope FINALb.pptxSI-345 Oct. 31 - Strategy, Consulting and NetHope FINALb.pptx

"Questions for Large Systems Projects," LinkedIn, October 24, 2019, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/questions-large-systems-projects-edward-g-happ/


"Good Follow-ship," LinkedIn, October 1, 2019, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/good-follow-ship-edward-g-happ/


"Crisis SimEx’s & Escape Rooms," a presentation to the UMSI ICTD Conventicle, September 27, 2019,

ICDT Presentation - Sep. 27 FINAL.pdfICDT Presentation - Sep. 27 FINAL.pdf

“IT Leadership Insights and NGO Work,” a lecture for the Korean Red Cross, Wonju, S. Korea, July 30, 2019

IT Leadership Insights v4c.pptxIT Leadership Insights v4c.pptx


"Why ERP's are Wrong for NGOs, Blog post, May 22, 2019,


“Academic - Practitioner Dialog - Close Encounters,” ISCRAM Keynote, Academic-practitioner Dialog Workshop, May 19, 2019.

V4 Practitioner - Academic Dialog - Close Encounters.pptxV4 Practitioner - Academic Dialog - Close Encounters.pptx


“Circuit Breakers, a Metaphor for AI Design” LinkedIn, April 17, 2019,


"A Tale of Two Resumes," LinkedIn, April 2, 2019,


"Becoming a Successful Consultant Ten, Things You Need to Know," UM REACH Consulting Club, Feb. 11, 2019.

UMSI Reach Consulting Club FINAL.pptxUMSI Reach Consulting Club FINAL.pptx


"The Promise and Peril Of Digital Identification For Aid Distribution," IFRC, Jan. 2019, https://future-rcrc.com/2019/01/15/the-promise-and-peril-of-digital-identification-for-aid-distribution/


"NetHope Center for the Digital Nonprofit and the Masters in Data Science [MADS]", an updated presentation for the NetHope working group, ICTD Meeting, UM, Nov. 1, 2018

NetHope CDN and MADS v6.pptx


IFRC Strategy 2030 - Think Paper - Digital Identification," with Amy Newman, ICTD meeting, UM, Aug. 1, 2018.

IFRC Digital Identity Discussion v1.pdf


“The Connectivity Lab: UMSI,” ACM Interactions, May-June 2018, http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/may-june-2018/the-connectivity-lab-umsi


ICT4D Working Group Session Notes, Zambia, May 11, 2018.

ICT4D Working Group Notes v2.docxICT4D Working Group Notes v2.docx


"BLIND SPOTS: When it Comes to Data, it’s About the Conversation," LinkedIn, April 30, 2018, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/blind-spots-when-comes-data-its-conversation-edward-g-happ/



“Succeeding in under-resourced, design-constrained, high-stakes settings –Opportunities & Risks of Technology in NGOs,” a presentation to the Global Information Engagement Program (GIEP), University Of Michigan, School of Information (UMSI), April 17, 2017.

GIEP Lecture v3.pptx


“What We Can Learn from Disaster Relief –A CIO's Perspective,” a presentation to the Michigan Interactive and Social Computing Group (MISC), UMSI, March 28, 2017.

MISC Guest Lecture v1.pptx


“Crisis and Resilience –some working definitions,” a presentation to the ICTD Confab group, UMSI, February 24, 2017.

ICT4D Confab - Feb-24 v3.pptx


“Decision-making in International Org’s; what we can learn from disaster relief,” a presentation to UMSI course SI-523 “Information and Control,” January 23, 2017.

SI-523 INGO Decision-Making v2.pptx



“The Humanitarian Data Centre - Some Observations,” a presentation prepared for UN-OCHA’s Humanitarian Data Centre project with the Netherlands Government and The Hague, for which Mr. Happ serves on the Advisory Board, October 4-5, 2016.

HDC Observations v6.pptx


Interviewed by Pat Brans, "The three things every CEO should learn from the CIO," CIO UK, August 30, 2016,
[This article is no longer available online.]


Interviewed by Pat Brans, "Reflections of a retiring CIO | Red Cross CIO Ed Happ on changing role and advice for aspiring IT directors," CIO UK, August 22, 2016.


"The Law of Unintended Consequences," a presentation for Save the Children, July 25, 2008 (updated, August 8, 2016).

The Law of Unintended Consequences v2b.pptxThe Law of Unintended Consequences v2b.pptx


"Technology at the Crossroads - Disaster Relief and IT Strategy - part 1," a presentation to the University of Michigan School of Information, June 23, 2016.

UMSI Presentation - Part 1 egh v6b.pptx


"Major Disasters Over Past Decade - ICT Factors (and what is different since the Haiyan Typhoon)," a matrix of technology evolution in disaster response, updated May 28, 2016

DR - ICT Factors v10b.xlsx


"CIO Summit - Selected Remarks," from the IFRC Annual CIO Summit, Geneva, May 30 - June 3, 2016. (Caution, a 5.6 mb file)

CIO Summit - Selected Remarks.pptx


"Technology in Humanitarian Assistance," a lecture for Fordham University's International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA), Geneva area, Feb 4, 2016. (Caution, a 7 mb file)

IDHA Presentation egh v2.pptx



"Overcoming Obstacles", an on-line presentation and discussion for the NetHope CIO Leadership Challenge series, October 22, 2015.

NetHope CIO Workhop - Obstacles v3.pptx

"On NetHope’s 15th Anniversary," Oct 14, 2016, https://youtu.be/rRZEM9FNDts?feature=shared

"Reverse innovation: what can international actors learn from local actors’ ingenuity?", World Disasters Report 2015, Focus on local actors and humanitarian action, IFRC, October 2015, pp. 198-200

"The Future of Technology in the Social Sector," in Solving Problems that Matter (and Getting Paid for It), STEM Careers in Social Innovation and Global Sustainable Development, edited by Khanjan Mehta, October 2015, Part 1, Chap 6, pp 15-17.

"Disruptive Innovation II: Train Wrecks on the Right Track," An on-line presentation for the American Red Cross, Sept. 22, 2015.

Amcross Brownbag v2.pptx

Comments in David Strom's, "Five ways CIOs tackle hybrid cloud security," TechTarget, August, 2015.

"Communication Networks, the Changing Landscape," an on-line presentation to the IBM Open Development for Disaster Response initiative, June 23, 2015. A guest Blog based on this presentation followed on July 15, 2015, for the Citizen IBM site.

IBM Developers Presentation egh v4.pptx

"Disruptive Innovation: Train Wrecks on the Right Track," a keynote presentation at the 36th Session of the UN WGET Forum, Dubai, UAE, April 30, 2015.

WGET Keynote - IFRC-egh FINALb.pptx



"New Technology and Innovation", a webinar presentation to the ICT4RC network, Geneva, October 15, 2014.

New Tech and Innovation FINAL.pptx

"Managing the Disasters within: what we can learn from disaster relief," a keynote presentation at the 11th International ISCRAM Conference, Penn State, May 21, 2014. (Caution, a 9.3 mb file)

ISCRAM Presentation egh FINALc.pptx

"The IT Services 'Onion'", a diagram of the changing IT stack of technology management in a world of BYOD, March, 2014.

IT Services Onion v2.pdf

"New IT Operating Models," a discussion paper for IT Managers meeting, Geneva, March 2014.

IT Operating Models v5.pptx


"Leveraging the Power of Collective Civil Society Organization Action to Move From Cash to Digital," Huffington Post article, November 11, 2013.

"Models of Innovation," a presentation of six models of innovation, the pros and cons of their approach and the fit with humanitarian organizational culture, Geneva, September, 2013.

Models of Innovation v5.pptx

"Disruptive Innovation at the margins - Local innovation is more likely and sustainable at the outer layers of IT delivery" a brief set of discussion slides on innovation, Geneva, August 5, 2013.

Disruptive Innovation at the Margins v2.pptx


"The Future of Technology in the Social Sector," a brief presentation to students at the "Get Informed, Get Involved" event cosponsored by Endingnorance.com, AIESEC, and the University of Geneva, December 3, 2012. This is the long edition of the slide deck. The links to the video clips are in the slide notes.

The Future of Technology in the Social Sector egh v4.pptx

"Collaborate or Perish", an article in the Berlin Civil Society Center publication "Global Futures – How international civil society organizations can make a real difference," launched at the BCSC Global Perspectives meeting in October, 2012


"NetHope Chairman's Report," NetHope Summit at Microsoft's Campus, Redmond, WA, October 9, 2012. A narrative version of this presentation is on my Blog site, here.

Chairman's Report - Oct-2012 v3.pptx

"The Ultimate Mash-up", a guest Blog entry about Imagine Cup students for Microsoft Europe, July 5, 2012. Additional articles on the Imagine Cup competition are on my blog.


"The Digital Revolution," a presentation at the Vision Works conference for global chairs and CEOs hosted by the Berlin Civil Society at the Green Tree Center in NY, April 19, 2012.

The Digital Revolution FINAL.pptx


"Collaboration, Crisis and Scarcity," a presentation to Professor Hanson's winter semester class "Business Social Sector Partnerships," Tuck/Dartmouth MBA program, February 16, 2012.

Dartmouth Tuck 16Feb12 v2.pptx


"IT Strategy in a Chaotic World," a keynote address at the Charity IT Conference in London, UK, November 21, 2011.

Charity IT Conference keynote v2 .pptx


"NetHope Chairman's Report," NetHope Summit and Tenth Anniversary at Intel's Campus, Kildare, Ireland, November 10, 2011.

NetHope 10th Summit - Chairman's Report FINAL.pptx


"NetHope's 10th Anniversary with Edward G. Happ," a NetHope YouTube video, posted November 8, 2011.


"Crisis, Connections and Collaboration," a presentation to the Crisis Informatics class at Penn State University, October 17, 2011.

Collaboration, Computers and Crisis v3 .pptx


"Turning the Pyramid Upside Down: The Impact and Future of Technology in Nonprofits," NTEN Technology Leadership Academy, September 7, 2011. This is the third edition of the on-line class I teach as a part of the NTEN leadership education program.

Future of IT in Nonprofits v5.pptx


"Two Kinds of Two Kinds of Social Media," DIHAD 2011 Conference in Dubai, UAE, March 30, 2011. The theme of the conference was "New Technologies:  How these impact humanitarian and development operations." (See http://www.dihad.org/).  I also gave an abbreviated version of this presentation at the Geneva Forum for Social Change, 2 April 2011. (See http://www.gfsc.ch/.) An expanded version of talk I gave is on my Blog site. 

Two Kinds of Two Kinds of Social Media FINAL.pptx


"NetHope Chairman's Report," NetHope Summit at SCU, Santa Clara, CA, November 1, 2010. This is the longer edition with all six views of innovation.

Chairman's Report - Nov-10 v6 Long.pptx


"Turning the Pyramid Upside Down: The Impact and Future of Technology in Nonprofits," NTEN Technology Leadership Academy, August 30, 2010.

"Future of IT in Nonprofits v1.pptx

"The Coming Wave of Disruptive Innovation for Nonprofits," Inside NGO Conference, Washington, DC, July 14, 2010.

Disruptive Innovation v5.pptx


"Technology Leadership in Chaotic Times: What we can learn from crisis," Inside NGO Conference, Washington, DC, July 13, 2010.

Tech Leadership in Chaotic Times v5.pptx

"NetHope & IT Strategy – Latest Thinking," April 9, 2010. Slide deck for 1:1 meetings with technology leaders.

NetHope Strategy Slides v5.pptx

"A Context for Shared Services," keynote address at the Kenya ICT Board's Outsourcing and Shared Services Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, March 19, 2010.

A Context for Shared Services - Mar 19 v3.ppt
"NetHope Chairman's Report," NetHope Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, March 15, 2010.

Chairman's Report - Mar-10 v2.ppt
For a series on the NetHope response to the earthquake in Haiti, see my Blog at eghapp.blogspot.com.

US CIO Summit at Microsoft's Redmond, WA campus, November 10-12, 2009. I did an interview with Waggener-Edstrom. An excerpt titled “IT Pyramid Strategy and Cloud Computing” can be found on my YouTube channel, here.

NetHope Chairman's Report, NetHope Annual Meeting, November 4, 2009:

Chairman's Report - Nov-09 v3.ppt
“On Leadership,” a panel discussion on leadership, C-Suite Trust Panel, New York, October 22, 2009. See notes on the proceedings in my Blog.
"Making a Difference in Interesting Times," a presentation at the CCitDG Annual Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, October 8, 2009:

CCITDG - Making a Difference v3.ppt
“The Role of NGOs in Unleashing Technology,” NGO Executive Workshop, a panel discussion at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference, NYC, September 22, 2009. See notes on the proceedings in my Blog.
"Strategic Thinking for Leaders," a presentation at the NTEN On-line Technology conference, September 16, 2009:
NTEN Conf - Strategic Thinking for Leaders v3.ppt
"Trying to save the world, one child at a time, requires giant steps," Magdalena Zackova, New Europe,
26 July 2009, Issue 844. An interview at the 2009 Microsoft Imagine Cup Competition in Cairo.
Microsoft Imagine Cup photo gallery, Cairo, Jul 7, 2009. Also see my Blog entries on the Imagine Cup, starting here. Click on "Newer Post" link for further Imagine Cup Blog entries.
"Technology Impact: Some Inward and Outward Factors," World Affairs Council presentation, Seattle, WA, May 21, 2009:
World Affairs Council-ChallengesOpportunities v8b.ppt
NetHope Chairman's Report, NetHope Summit, Redmond, WA, May 19, 2009:

Chairman's Report - May-09.ppt
"A Dozen Questions: What Business Leaders Should Answer in Developing an IT Business Case," An internal
memo at STC, May 5, 2009:
Business Case Questions v2.doc
"Project and Systems Metaphors," An Internal Presentation at STC, May 1, 2009

SC Project Metaphors v3.ppt
"Turning the Pyramid Upside Down; The Impact and Future of Technology in Nonprofits" a presentation at Google, Mountainview, CA, April 1, 2009.

Turning the Pyramid Upside-Down.ppt
“Where Will We Be Tomorrow,” chapter on the future of IT for nonprofits in Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jossey-Bass, February 2009, pp. 268-282.

"Strategic CSR; The New Face of Corporate Social Responsibility." A presentation for the CIO Executive Council, December 15, 2008:

Strategic CSR V3.ppt
"Reaching The New Generation Of Employees; Trends in Technology and What it Means for Recruiting." A presentation for the SC/US HR Department., December 2, 2008:

Reaching The New Generation Of Employees V3.ppt
"How NetHope stays connected in disaster areas," Angela Cherry, Network World Canada, December 1, 2008. The first in a series articles from NetHope CIOs, this one is based on an interview I did with Angela.

NetHope Chairman's Report, NetHope Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, October 21, 2008:

Chairmain's Report - Oct-08 v4.ppt
"The Imagine Cup; How a week in Paris can change your view" The second in a Sabbatical Speaking Series. October 13, 2008:

SSS - Imagine Cup V4.ppt
"School Days, School Days…," an article on my sabbatical for Save the Children's Inside View internal newsletter, September 30, 2008:

Inside View Article v4.doc
"The Last 100 Kilometers, Leveraging ICT for Development," a keynote presentation for the Microsoft ICTD conference in Washington, DC, September 23, 2008:

ICTD4D - egh V5.ppt
A video of the interview that followed this presentation is on the Save the Children web site, here
"The changing face of corporate social responsibility," Mass High Tech, The Journal of New England Technology,Friday, September 5, 2008.
"Things I Learned on Sabbatical;or what did I do all that time in Hanover?" The first in a Sabbatical Speaking Series: a series of brown-bag presentations on my experiences as a CIO Fellow at Tuck/Dartmouth. August 14, 2008:
SSS-Things I learned v5.ppt


"The Good Enough Principle – What we can learn about technology from the pragmatic solutions of nonprofits," an unpublished paper submitted as part of my work as a CIO Fellow at Tuck/Dartmouth, June 15, 2008.

The Good Enough Principle v3.doc
"The Good Enough Principle: What we can learn about technology from nonprofits." for the IDC CIO Summit in Boston on June 5, 2008:

The Good Enough Principle v5.ppt
"Good Enough Technology - How Small NGOs can build capacity with IT" for the Upper Valley Nonprofit Exchange (UPNE) on June 4, 2008:

Good Enough Tech - UVNE v8.ppt
"The Promise of Broadband: What High Speed Networks Can Mean for Communities" for ECFiber Board of Directors meeting on May 13, 2008:

The Promise of Broadband.ppt
"Leadership in chaotic times: What corporations and non-profit can learn from each other" for Tuck Leadership at Lunch series on May 13, 2008:

Leadership in Chaotic Times v2.ppt
"NetHope Chairman's Report " for NetHope Summit on May 6, 2008:

Chairman's Report 06May08 v4.ppt
"Good Enough Technology - a Conceptual Framework" for executive directors at the Upper Valley Nonprofit Exchange (UPNE) on Apr. 10, 2008. Presentation slides:

IS Strategic Framework.ppt
"The Future of Technology," a presentation at the Marcus Evans CIO Summit in Lansdowne, VA, April 7, 2008:

CIO Summit - Future of Technology v3.ppt
"Leadership: Four Ways of looking at a Blackbird," a mini-presentation at Dartmouth/Tuck, April 1, 2008. Here are the presentation slides (these are light on text and heavy on the images: see the notes on each for some clue what it's about.) For a narrative version, see my Tuck/Dartmouth Fellowship Blog.

Leadership Models v3.ppt
Press Release on my Fellowship at Dartmouth/Tuck for the spring term, February 8, 2008. I'm keeping a Blog during my term, here: Tuck/Dartmouth Fellowship.


Avital, M., Lyytinen, K., King, J.L., Gordon, M.D., Happ, E., Mason, R.O. and Watson, R.T. (2007) “Leveraging Information Technology to Support Agents of World Benefit,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 19 (25), pp. 567-588.

"The Future of ICT in Relief, " a presentation at the RedR conference on “Future Shocks: disasters and relief in a changing world,” London, UK, December 5, 2007. Presentation slides:

RedR - Future of ICT in Relief - egh v4.ppt

"Technology Enabling Nonprofits," a podcast interview on RadioTuck at Dartmouth, October 31, 2007.


"NetHope," a presentation at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, October 31, 2007. Presentation slides:

Dartmouth Tuck 31Oct07 v4.ppt

Career Profile interview in TechCareers, August 2, 2007. in


Two Save the Children papers on IT questions to ask, one strategic and one for major projects, July, 2007.

Strategic IT Questions v3.docTwenty questions v3.doc

“Scoreboarding,” a presentation on measurement programs to the NGO-CIO Forum, May 22, 2007. This was originally developed at HP Management Decisions in 1995.

Top 100 CIOs, CIO Insight, May 17, 2007.

Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, eWeek, March 16, 2007.

"Nonprofits and Collaboration," an on-line CIO Executive Council presentation with Alan Levine, CIO of The Kennedy Center, January 25, 2007. Presentation slides:

NGOs  Collaboration - final.ppt

"Ways Technology Impacts Those in Need and Those Who Meet Needs," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 11, 2006. White paper and presentation slides:

Ways Technology Impacts-6.doc Technology Impact - egh3.ppt
"Monitoring and Managing Technology Trends and Discontinuities," Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management, November 15, 2006. Presentation slides and case study:

Monitoring Trends in Technology2.pptCWRU Case Study - EGH - final.doc
"Leadership Essentials for Getting to the Top," IDC IT Forum and Expo 2006, Panel Presentation and discussion with Beverly Lieberman, President, Halbrecht Lieberman Associates and Bruce Metz, CIO, Thomas Jefferson University, June 14, 2006. Presentation slides:

IDC - Leadership Essentials -egh.ppt
"Staff Supervision -- How to be a Better Manager of People," NGO-CIO Forum, May 22, 2006. Presentation slides:

Staff Supervision 2.ppt
"Tsunamis, Moss and Car Batteries; Insights from the Nonprofit World," Society for Information Management (SIM), Westchester - Fairfield Chapter, March 16, 2006. Presentation slides:

STC SIM Presentation - final.ppt
"Demand, Not Just Supply," CIO Magazine, readers comments, posted March 1, 2005.
"IT Lends a Helping Hand: An interview with NetHope's Edward Granger-Happ," CIO Insight,January 28, 2005. "I could double my income at any corporate firm, but what's more important to me at this point in my career is having the ability to make an impact every day in what I do. When we get IT right, more kids get fed, more kids get inoculated, and more kids get educated and taught. The value of that is immeasurable. So my whole model has turned from pursuit of success to pursuit of significance."
"Twenty-Five Global Innovators Recognized for Work to Use Technology for the Benefit of Humanity," Reuters Foundation press release, San Jose, California, USA, November 16, 2004
"Managing the Organizational Impact of Global Operations," Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies, October 2004 - Santa Barbara, CA. In the transcript of the proceedings, Mr. Happ is quoted on pp. 4, 5 and 10. See also the Wharton Resource Center summary of the Summit.
Wiring the Global Village IT in a Developing World," Sudan project posting on globalgiving.com, September 10, 2004. There are NetHope reference links in the Resources box.
"Aid organisations in Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas gain uniform broadband access through Skylogic's Turin platform," Eutelsat press release, July 20, 2004.

"Extreme Programming… chunking down, rubber ducking and waterfalls." NGO-CIO Forum, April 7, 2003. Presentation slides:

"Bits, Bytes and Bucks: Technology in Development and Making Us All Part Of One Virtual Village," Association of Fundraising Professionals, Fairfield County Connecticut Chapter, October 2, 2003. Presentation slides:

"For the public good," by Jack McCarthy, InfoWorld, July 19, 2002. Also see the sidebar on "Nonprofit lessons for the for-profit CTO," which Mr. Happ authored.
"Tools that Bring Help and Hope, Technology aids in easing human misery," On the Issues: Society and Technology, Microsoft essay, posted December 5, 2002
"Building a Virtual Village: Software Helps Connect Relief Organizations to Those in Need," Microsoft press release, Redmond, Washington, USA, November 14, 2002
"Wiring the Global Village," a paper presented to Cisco Corporate Affairs group in March, 2001. This is the paper that began NetHope:

Wiring the Virtual Village - Feb-01.doc


For further information, please email Mr. Happ.

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